How to Take a Seaweed Beauty Bath

If you could use a little skin nourishment and want to soak away the cares of the day, a seaweed beauty bath may be just what the doctor ordered. Seaweed is a rich source of minerals as well as an excellent source of vitamins including A,C, D, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, and magnesium. Seaweed is also said to act as a gentle detoxifier and is thought to promote better circulation, although this is based on more on anecdotal evidence, not controlled scientific studies. Nevertheless, many of the toniest spas offer seaweed wraps, baths, and skin care treatments that receive rave reviews from their customers. A warm, seaweed beauty bath at the very least should help to wash away the worries and stresses of the day. Here's how to take a soothing seaweed beauty bath:

Gather your supplies.

You'll need a source of seaweed for your seaweed beauty bath. This can usually be purchased at your local natural food market or health food store. There are a variety of types of seaweed to choose from including kelp, bladderwrack, and dulse, among others. Although you can choose any of the sea vegetables you wish, kelp and dulse seem to work particularly well for a seaweed bath. Why not buy both and combine them in your bath? These seaweeds are usually available in their dried form and will expand significantly when water is added. For a single bath, you'll want four to five ounces of dried seaweed.

Prepare your seaweed.

Fill a large metal pot with water and bring it to a full boil. Once the water is boiling, add your dried seaweed. Allow the water and seaweed mixture to boil for a few minutes, then turn the temperature on the stove down to a simmer and allow the seaweed to steep for twenty minutes. Use a strainer to separate out the leaves from the water. Keep the water to add to your bath.

As an alternative you can draw a tub of hot water and simply drop the dried seaweed into your bathwater. Allow the bath to cool slightly until it's comfortable but still hot. If you use this method, you'll want to completely remove the seaweed from the bath water before opening the drain to avoid a clogged drain. You can also place the dried seaweed into a pair of old hose and drop it into the tub to avoid clogging the drain.

Prepare your seaweed beauty bath.

If you're using the boiling water method, draw a tub of hot water and slowly pour the seaweed water you prepared in the last step into the tub. Allow the water to cool to the point where it's tolerable. For the best effect, you want the water to be as warm as is comfortable for you. If you have heart problems or high blood pressure, you'll want to avoid taking a hot bath. If you want to make the experience even more relaxing you can add a small amount of the essential oil of your choice to the bath water.

How to enjoy your seaweed beauty bath

As you enjoy your relaxing seaweed beauty bath, use a natural loofah to gently massage your skin to remove dead skin cells. A little soft music playing in the background will add to the experience. Close your eyes and allow the soothing seaweed to soak away your fatigue. You'll emerge refreshed and rejuvenated.